About Us
Healthy Minds Cooperative is a charitable, non-profit organization. We’re a peer-led, member-driven organization, committed to improving the lives of people with mental illness (including addiction). We focus on advocating for better access to mental health services; public education about mental illness; reducing stigma towards mental illness; peer support and advocacy for consumers and their families; more participation in the decision-making around mental health services; wellness workshops; and connecting to existing community services.
We believe in fewer barriers to treatment. You do not have to be a member to participate in our programs and there is no referral required. Community and peer led interventions for mental health and addictions work, often with less barriers to supports than clinical treatment.
We all deserve to be able to access the services we need for our mental wellness and recovery.
We all deserve to lead meaningful lives in a community free of stigma towards mental illness.
Together, we are…